Monday, April 2, 2012

Hunting Gods: POV vid #2

This vid isn't as intense or visually stimulating as the first one. But it gives an awesome insight into the tenacity of these awesome fish.

I love how long it takes for me to finish the fight. It takes me several attempts to finally tail him. Just as I think he's beaten, he takes off again - he was simply NOT willing to give up. The fight was only 4 mins long but the fish was so tired by the end that it took another 5 minutes or so for him to get his strength back! And take another five after that!

The sped up section is at 4x rate - I fast forwarded it because its the same working and pumping of a typical fight and I didn't feel like boring the audience.

An interesting note: at 0:41 in the bottom right corner a ray casually glides past me. This was the chap that the GTs (4 in this case) were following. Its a typical habit of the GT to ride on the back of rays and sharks. When the ray kicks up mud while feeding, the GTs happily munch any loose crusteans or scattered bait fish that are flushed by the ray.

So enjoy :)

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