Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Its all a state of mind!

I keep saying it... Its become my self indulgent affirmation when things get a bit a tough!

You know; being far from home, friends and familiar places can get one down. Then dealing with inconsequential and frankly idiotic people at work compound it... You know; when you're ready to say screw it and head home or somewhere else, that's when I HAVE to say to myself: "It's a state of mind."

I sometimes throw 'heart' in instead of mind. It is so very true that the heart drives the emotions, and these drive us. So it fits!

Anyway... Writing this blog has been, at best, an erratic errand and I have decided, like all things in my life, it will just take a little reminding and pushing and I'l be a little better!

Although at the moment it feels like I'm talking to myself!

Here some photos to keep me quiet!

Just remember, its all a state of mind...

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