Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mullet: BusinEss Up FroNt and PArty rOund Back

And I'm not talking siff hairstyles here... While the sport of growing slicked back siffness can be fun, entertaining and seems to be all the rage amongst the students of the current era; its not what I'm talking about.

The Unassuming Mullet

I'm talking about the Mugilidae family of fish. With around 80 species in the family, there arises the question of why we don't catch them more often on fly. They are, after all, game fighters and, if you're inclined, make a very tasty meal.

The secret to catching mullet is chumming. Easy, simple and it works super effectively when combined with a foam bread fly. When the fish realise there's something on the surface that tastes good, they'll to eat anything, including leaves, plastic or bubbles, that's on the surface. This list would include your floating bread imitation.

And its great fun.

However, I got to wondering about catching them without chum. There are a million and three mullet that swim the edges of the beach where I live. There is no shortage. So I got to reading vigorously about the habits and characteristics of these frustrating fish. 

Article after article kept talking about mud, detritus and rotting plant matter and other such unflylike matter. And I was getting over the idea very quickly when I came across the article that talks about them eating blood worms, small shrimps and even crabs. 

So there is hope... Too the tying bench I go to tie some small flies...

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